changes.txt 8/11/95 Newt 3.1 - Newt Revision History - Future Possibilities Newt Revision History ----- 3.1 (8/11/95) -- see Newt.1st (and change31.txt) 3.0 (4/30/95) - creates Newton packages directly with NewtPack plug-in - reduces heap usage; more error messages; better error handling; cleans up syntax - other optional plug-ins for turtle graphics, platform functions - supports constants via plug-ins and limited "DefConst" - improves printing of values (quoting, new types) - adds several more preferences (default font, autoloading, confirming) 2.5 (1/30/95) - separates "NewtNews.txt" into topical readme files & FAQ - changes how help books are created - adds button for electronic registration through Register application (and payment through Kagi shareware service) -- see register.txt - adds common error messages (and allows you to customize/add your own) - prints and notifies via Slurpee "Inspector" - builds-in support for resources and testing installscripts - improves handling of "stepChildren" for user protos - additional examples -- see examples.txt - (for registered users: more details of changes (change25.txt) 160+ examples; manual (70 pages) available in Acrobat format) 2.4 (10/15/94) - fixes save source bug - fixes "fixing" arrays of frames, removeStep when closed - allows user prototypes to be constructed incrementally - uses graphic and sound resources stored in soups (see Slurpee 1.2) - supports more examples (see listing in NewtNews.txt) - files in .sit & .zip archives should be more accessible 2.3 (9/3/94) - adds new syntax/mechanism for defining objects and building apps - supports embedded help books and standalone Newton books - provides scroll options for long lists of methods, objects - adds other apps/books to Newt's overview list, e.g., Slurpee - uses a "library" folder for shared, customizable method/object templates - supports Duplicate, Delete of source code via action button - removes built-in demo code; see sample sources applic0.nwt, graphic0.nwt; see also NewtATut and/or NewtTurT interactive tutorials - lite-version (w/o turtle graphics and some features) available separately - both Mac and PC versions of text files - misc. changes to methods, user interface 2.2 (6/6/94): - support and examples for additional system prototypes and viewclasses (it now supports all prototypes and viewclasses described in NTK 1.0.1): protoRCheckbox, protoFilingButton, protoDrawer, protoDateExpando, protoPhoneExpando, protoActionButton, protoPrintFormat, protoKeyboard, protoKeypad, protoLabeledBatteryGauge, protoPicker, protoEndPoint, clView, clEditView, clGaugeView, clKeyboardView, clMonthView, clOutline, clParagraphView, clPictureView, clPolygonView, clRemoteView - a few other fixes/features 2.1 (4/20/94): - reorganizes interface: Edit Methods moves to "main" view, turtle to Drawing Area; other cosmetic improvements - supports and documents additional system prototypes: protoBorder, protoCloseBox, protoDivider, protoFloater, protoFolderTab, protoGauge, protoGlance, protoLabelInputLine, protoLargeCloseBox, protoPictIndexer, protoPictRadioButton, protoPictureButton, protoRoll, protoRollBrowser, protoRollItem, protoSetClock, protoShowBar, protoStatus, protoStatusBar, protoTable, protoTableDef, protoTableEntry, protoTitle - supports user prototypes and subviews ("linked layouts") - handles low frame heap situations better - adds Color (penPattern) option for Newt drawing 2.0 (2/16/94): - adds initial support for creating interface objects and saving applications - new icon; "auto close"; separate RUNewt application for running, exchanging applications - rearranges/resizes interface for Newt Controls, Eval Controls, Code Templates, Edit Methods (continued) - moves samples to Expr button, overview accesses list of views - sets keyboard input to a default edit location (Eval field or method source) - saves folder for "newts" to/from Preferences; does not remove Prefs as in 1.1 - improves access for large and larger numbers of method entries - adds visual feedback for Pen setting -- Newt grows/shrinks - adds support for Logo word and sentence operations 1.2 (12/93-2/94) - limited distribution beta releases; Happy Newt Year 1.1 (11/24/93): - saves Newt methods, screen snapshots and evaluation results as "newts" (notes) in Notepad, organized via the built-in folders - sends messages to single newt or to many newts - adds a Print? option, with results and errors printed to a scrolling Eval Log - eliminates the "do you want to add..." prompts during keyboard entry - streamlines NewtonScript editing via inserting code templates in Edit Methods (continued) and via selecting entire sample expressions for Eval field - recognizes line gesture to set Newt heading and to draw lines; drag to move Newt - draws more cleanly (clipping, refresh); adds "poof" animation for erase - simplifies interface for editing methods; scrolls methods - traps and reports errors - removes Preferences entry when Newt application is removed 1.0 (10/12/93) - initial release Future Possibilities ----- There are many features and fixes that would be nice to have. However, there are also design trade-offs, especially given the MessagePad's and my constraints. So, help me figure out: - where can it go on the screen? - how much memory space and implementation time is it worth? - can it take advantage of existing Newton mechanisms or metaphors? For example: - resizable views (hooks are in there; need better system support) - palette for app objects with interface support for drag, edit, etc. - more online manuals, tutorials (in NewtonBook, Acrobat, Web formats) - more example files - better drag gesture; other gestures for drawing; undo support for drawing? - use Newt as a wireless remote LegoLogo controller - allow more customization of Newt environment, save more to Preferences? Next steps will likely be: - revised, expanded manual - improved packages - object (non-source) editors [see Newt's Cape -- from HTML to books & forms] - more examples